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For everyday purchases

Using a debit Mastercard is a convenient way to manage your finances because funds are deducted from your current account. Having an electronic record of every transaction can be a real time-saver and makes keeping track of what you spend easy.


nbs Debit Mastercard

New debit card in conjunction with Mastercard as the first ever Tap & Go card for Samoans.


Spend, withdraw, or access your money with the nbs Debit Mastercard, at anytime, anywhere.


nbs ATM Gold Card

New debit card in conjunction with Mastercard as the first ever Tap & Go card for Samoans.


Spend, withdraw, or access your money with the nbs Debit Mastercard, at anytime, anywhere.


Debit Mastercard

  • Farmer Joe - Fugalei

  • NBS Vaitele Branch

  • NBS Main Branch

ATM Gold Card

  • Farmer Joe - Ululoloa

  • Farmer Joe - Fugalei

  • Farmer Joe - Lotopa

  • Frankie Supermarket - Utualii

  • Frankie Supermarket - Saleimoa

  • Lynn's Supermarket

  • NBS Matautu Branch

  • NBS Vaitele Branch

  • NBS Main Branch

  • NBS Salelologa Branch

If your card is lost or stolen, be sure to let us know 


Call us

+685 26766


Place a freeze on

your account



for a new card

Contact Us

New Accounts Department
Call +685 26766 ext. 136

Lending Department
Call +685 26766 ext. 150

Digital Banking Department
Call +685 26766 ext. 214

International Service Department
Call +685 26766 ext. 148

Customer Service
Call +685 26766

Mailing Address
PO Box 3047L
Level 1 ACC Building

Phone: +685 26766/23077
Fax Number: 23085


International SWIFT Code: NBSLWSWS

Business Hours
Main Branch (ACC Building Level 1 & 3)
Mondays - Fridays: 9am - 4pm
Saturdays: 8:30am - 12:30pm

Matautu Branch
Mondays - Fridays: 9am - 3pm
Vaitele Branch (Farmer joe Building, Vaitele)
Mondays - Fridays: 9am - 3pm
Savaii Branch (Bluebird Lumber Mall, Salelologa)
Mondays - Fridays: 9am - 3pm
Fagalii Airport Branch
Mondays - Saturdays: 7am - 3pm
Excluding public holidays dependent on flight schedules


NBS Branches
Main Branch (ACC Building Level 1 & 3)
Phone: +685 26766
Matautu Branch
Phone: +685 26766 ext. 223/224
Fagalii Branch (Fagalii Airport)
Phone: +685 8425505
Vaitele Branch (Farmer Joe Building, Vaitele)
Phone: +685 8432704
Savaii Branch (Bluebird Lumber Mall, Salelologa)
Phone: +685 51058/51398

2022 by National Bank of Samoa. All rights reserved.

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